The Neubie (“Neuro-bio-electric Stimulator”) is our FDA-cleared electrical stimulation device, with two main differences compared to existing technology. These differences allow us to use the Neubie within the NeuFit System to improve outcomes for athletes and patients in a wide range of situations.
No, we provid inhouse equiptment.
Plantar fasciitis
Ankle sprain
Shin splints
Knee ligament injury
Jumper’s knee
Hamstring strain
Pulled groin
Strained quad or hip flexor
Strained quad or hip flexor
Back pain
Neck pain
Rotator cuff injury
Shoulder impingement
UCL strain
Tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel
Trigger finger
Swelling and lymphedema
Other strained or torn muscles
Chronic pain
Recovery from orthopedic surgery
NEUBIE optimizes movement patterns, increases muscle fiber recruitment, and accelerates recovery, enabling athletes to train harder, recover faster, and reduce injury risk.
Sessions start with an assessment to identify dysfunctions, followed by a customized protocol of specific movements, static holds, and recovery strategies. Progress is tracked to ensure optimal results.
NEUBIE is ideal for injury recovery, chronic pain management, post-surgery rehabilitation, and athletic performance enhancement.
NEUBIE helps accelerate recovery, re-educate movement patterns, reduce inflammation, enhance strength development, and improve the mind-muscle connection.
Unlike conventional devices that use alternating current (AC), NEUBIE’s DC mimics your body’s natural signals, leading to better muscle activation, deeper tissue penetration, and improved healing.
Our focus is to help enhance the natural processes our bodies use to recover and heal, whether it’s from an injury or surgery. Since it is our nervous system that controls every muscle movement, that is where we began when we started exploring new ways to improve the efficiency, quality, and speed of rehabilitation. Welcome to the NeuFit® Method, featuring the patented Neubie® electrical stimulation device; harnessing the power of our nervous system to improve outcome
How you respond to the original trauma your body suffered determines how quickly you recover from an injury or surgery. Recovery time is often so long because the brain and nervous system send signals to guard and protect the site of the trauma. Blood flow can be impeded, reducing the body’s ability to rebuild. Signals from the brain to prevent movement can make that area of the body more vulnerable. With our Method, we can identify exactly where those neurological barriers are located, and then break through them with proper biomechanics analysis and the FDA-cleared Neubie® device. Putting you on a faster road to recovery
Pain is neurologically based. We experience pain in our brain, not our body. And when our brain perceives a threat, it sends out a signal that we recognise as pain. Sometimes, that pain lingers long after an injury is healed or surgically repaired. Like the acute pain caused by an injury or in the aftermath of surgery, the root of chronic pain can be safely targeted and stimulated with neuromuscular re-education using electrical signals.
Mon – Thur 3pm – 9pm
Fri 7am – 1pm & 3pm – 6pm
Sat – Sun 8am – 1pm